Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phase III

Through our research and data collection of the neuroscience chapter, we were able to learn and understand how the human body works and how humans learn. Our goal was to create a way to learn neuroscience without having to memorize the information. Through our research, analysis, and conclusions we were able to develop four effective learning techniques for Neuroscience.

According to my group’s data collection, the most effective learning strategy to utilize for our classmates would be having lectures and taking notes. To find this answer, my group utilized the survey method. Since my group was split between two class periods, we were able to not only receive information from one period, but from two. This was beneficial because the survey was more representative of the students taking AP psychology. We went around the two class periods and gave each person a sheet of paper. The paper stated: You learn and retain information best through… and the following choices were: 1. Memorization/reading; 2. Lecture and notes; 3. Visual aids; 4. Hands on activities or; 5. Technology. This survey was the most accurate way of collecting this type of data because it gave the participants the amount of time needed to think about and answer the question. Also, since everyone received the same question and choices, the data was consistent. In addition, because the experiment involved more participates than one class period, the data was more accurate because the survey was more representative of the targeted population. After receiving all of the votes, we were able to count the amount of people who preferred each learning strategy. This gave us the results that eighteen people preferred learning by lectures/notes, fifteen people learned the best from doing hands on activities, seven students favored learning through technology, seven other people enjoyed having visual aids, and reading/memorization was the ideal way of learning for six classmates.

By looking at the results from our experiment, we realized that people learn all different ways. There really is no certain, correct way to learn information without memorization. We did, however, discover that most people prefer to listen to lectures and take notes. By understanding this information about the types of learning strategies in relation to my classmates, we were able to appreciate all of the different techniques. We think that schools should not just target one particular learning strategy, even if it is the most popular. We believe that the education systems should utilize our surveyed primary learning strategy the most (the lecturing and note taking), but the other learning techniques should not be forgotten. We think the best way to do this in an education system is to pick activities that have a connection to several of the learning techniques.

Every individual activity we created for the neuroscience unit uses multiple learning strategies. We made sure each of the activities correlated precisely with the neuroscience chapter. We also created the activities to go in a specific order. To start the chapter, a game of memory will be used. The game will include definitions and questions found in the book. This will allow the students to grow familiar with the information before diving into the critical analysis of the whole chapter. The game will enhance the student’s general knowledge and be a fun activity that will hold everybody’s attention. Our memory game correlates directly with the neuroscience unit because there are a lot of definitions and body parts that one needs to know. This game will utilize the reading, visualization, and hands on learning strategies.

The next activity would be coloring in a brain. This promotes the learning of the different sections of the brain. This would be a once and done activity, but allows the students to become familiar with the different sections of the brain and their functions. The coloring book applies the visualization and hands on techniques.

The third in class teaching method would involve a power point and note taking. This method includes several learning strategies. This particular activity uses the most popular learning strategy (lecturing and note taking) accurately. It involves visualization, lecturing/note taking, and technology.

The last activity we planned for a class to effectively learn the neuroscience chapter involves videos and an overall, critical question. The video will show how the information pertains to real life. The critical question will require the students to use the information they learned in the earlier activities and consider outside, relatable sources to create a high level answer. The videos and question involve a visual aid for the students. Our survey and collected data enabled us to create these four learning strategies.

After analyzing the results from my group’s data collection through a survey, we were able to narrow down our learning strategies into four different learning techniques. We discovered that every student learns differently; this discovery enhanced our ability to effectively create learning techniques. Because the neuroscience chapter was divided into four sections, we used a different learning technique for each section, which we thought would be the most effective way of teaching.

Our first technique is a game of memory; our memory game focused on the endocrine system with vocabulary and questions included in this section. The matching game of memory involves many different learning styles, including reading, visualization, and hands on. This activity would be used first in order to grasp the students’ attention with a fun childhood game. Memory has been around since 1959; it is a child’s game used to enhance memory and partnerships. Similarly, our game of memory allows the students to become familiar with the information before diving into the in-depth and critical analysis of the entire chapter. We believe that Memory is a very effective approach to the neuroscience chapter. It opens the students’ minds and prepares them for further study. Memory is the best technique when learning the endocrine system of the neuroscience chapter because it allows students to learn definitions and review questions while being intrigued by this competitive game.

Our second technique is a coloring book; our coloring book promotes learning the different parts of the brain, different systems, and their functions. The coloring book involves visualization and hands on techniques. It allows the student to become familiar with the brain. The Little Folks Painting Book, credited as the first coloring book, was published in 1879; it was believed that students benefit from art education by means of enhancing their conceptual understandings, developing their cognitive abilities, and improving skills that would be useful in finding a profession. Coloring books were used many decades ago, and they are still effectively used today. Although a coloring book seems like a childish activity, this method is most effective because a student will easily and enjoyably learn the parts of the brain and their functions. A coloring book is the best method to use in order to learn about the brain’s parts and functions because it is an entertaining activity that gives a visual picture of parts of the brain and explanations of their functions.

The third technique involves a power point and note taking; our power point and note taking explain the neural communication section of Neuroscience. From our survey, lecturing and notes taking had the highest votes; therefore, we ensured that this learning technique was included into our project. A power point involves many learning strategies, including visualization, lecturing, note taking, and technology, which explains its effectiveness. Lecturing and note taking are strategies that have been traced back to medieval universities in the 1350s, while the appreciation and improvements of power point began in 1987. Combined, these methods have been known to successfully advance intellectual studies. A power point is the best and most effective way to learn about neural communications of Neuroscience because the power point involves informational notes, while questioning students’ understanding through critical thinking questions. Additionally, power points involving lecturing and notes are the favored learning strategy of AP Psychology students.

The last technique used to promote the understanding of Neuroscience involves watching videos and answering an overall, critical thinking question. The videos and critical thinking question focus on the nervous system. They are utilized as visual aids for the students’ understanding of the nervous system. The videos provide information that pertains to real life situations and explains how people function. Along with the video, the critical thinking question requires the students’ to relate the information they learned from the video, earlier activities, and to themselves at a higher thinking level. Since created in 1867, videos have become both informative and enjoyable; therefore, watching our videos and discussing the overall question is the best and most effective way of learning about the nervous system because it presents relatable information that requires advanced thinking. Additionally, the four videos we have are different types: the first video has a fun jingle that explains all of the systems; the second video quickly explains the nervous system; the third video explains the peripheral nervous system through a hierarchy/flow chart; and the last video explains the central nervous system through a lectured power point. So, the different videos also provide further types of learning techniques to advance an individual’s understanding of the nervous system. Overall, the videos are easily understood and are very relatable.

Our survey allowed us to gather information about AP Psychology students’ best techniques of learning. By creating and utilizing a survey, we were able to effectively understand how everyone learns differently, and were further able to create learning strategies for neuroscience. We believe that our four different learning techniques for each section were the best and most effective ways to learn neuroscience.

The learning strategies we used were videos, a memory game, a coloring book, and a power point. We chose these learning strategies because we wanted to incorporate many types of learning. After we too k our surveys, we realized the majority of students learn best through visual presentations, verbal lectures, and active games. By using the videos, games, and power point, we were able to please all different kinds of strategies and help the student internalize and learn the information. Our learning strategies were successful because of many different reasons. We tried to use repetition of important terms in order to make sure the specific concepts were remembered. Throughout the different topics covered in our learning strategies, the information was forced into long term memory because of the constant repetition. In the videos we chose, my parents were able to remember a lot from the first one because the information was set to a little jingle that made the information easier to remember. In addition, the coloring book helped teach the different parts of the brain and their functions. In the memory game, there were important terms that helped make learning more fun through a little game and finally, the power point helps students who prefer lectures and was used to help the students think critically. I think over all our learning strategies were very successful and effective in enforcing important topics.

After reviewing the learning strategies, we only found one area that we could maybe improve. This area we can improve is to try to have to students do some worksheets along with the various activities to help them internalize the information more. We think we can make another lecture and have a power point to go along with. Then we could print out the power point and have the students take notes during the lecture. When a student is listening and taking notes during a lecture it helps increase his or her understandings. By having the students take notes, it will keep their attention throughout the lecture and will also allow them to put everything in their own words to help give them a better understanding. In addition, notes will help put the information into long term memory. Another benefit from note taking is the student can pick the information that he struggles with and go more into depth with the topics. Then with the terms the student understands, he can focus less attention on them. Then after the lesson we think it would be beneficial to hand put worksheets to help the students discover an understanding on their own and further their research. By giving out these worksheets it will allow the students to explore topics they are interested in. We did have a few critical thinking questions, but we could always add more because it will help the students think hard and relate to their own lives. We believe the learning strategies we chose were successful, but can always be improved through these things.

In our strategy we tried to use learning, thinking, memory, and language effectively in order to give the best understanding of neuroscience. First, we used learning by making the students be interactive with the activities to help them internalize and master the information. Next, we used thinking by proposing some critical thinking questions and with the memory game and the power point. In addition, we used memory through all of our strategies: the memory game, the videos, the coloring book, and the power point. The repetition of these topics throughout the activities helps stress the important points. In the memory game, the students not only need to remember where the pieces are but also which cards match each other. This will help them learn what each term means. Finally, we also used language to help convey the messages we wanted. We tried to use intelligent language that pertained to the subject that was being defined. We used a lot of psychology terms to help enhance the knowledge base of the students. We wanted to make sure we defined each term very accurately and to provide the best understanding to the students. We also wanted to try to open up the student mind and enhance their psychology vocabulary at the same time as making it easy to remember. Throughout this project we have discovered some of the best learning strategies to use under different learning styles. We really tried to break down the complicated subject to make things easy to remember and understand. We used various techniques to accomplish this ultimate goal.

The methods of learning, thinking, memory, and language play a crucial role in understanding Neuroscience. Neuroscience focuses on how the body and brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences. Obviously, this relates to every person, therefore, it is important for people to understand the concept. People want to understand the best way to learn, how their brain thinks, how their memory functions, and the importance of language. This helps people to be successful, not only in school, but in their daily lives. In order to fully understand Neuroscience, it is crucial to not just memorize the information. Students should try to understand what the concepts mean, why something happens, and how to differentiate the terms in Neuroscience.

By understanding how one learns, it is easier to understand Neuroscience. Learning about the different strategies, opens up new ways and strategies to learn. It teaches us how our brain works and processes information. For this reason, we can be strategic, thoughtful, and understanding, instead of memorizing different pieces of information. It teaches us, as learners, to understand the processes we go through during studying and test-taking. It also helps us learn about different situations in our daily lives and allows us to understand them. Instead of learning through memorization, which is not truly learning, we now know to utilize learning strategies which suit us, as individuals, best. It is important for a person to realize which learning strategy is best for himself or herself because then he or she does not waste time trying to learn ineffectively. Knowing how to personalize study habits can determine how much time is needed to learn the material.

This knowledge helps us to not only learn Neuroscience but other aspects of Psychology as well. This knowledge affects psychology because we learn how our minds function. It teaches us different learning strategies and how to organize notes and understand concepts. More importantly, it teaches us to make personal connections with the material. With personal connections, the information becomes easier to understand because the concepts become more familiar and easier to remember. In addition, by researching and understanding different learning methods, we are able to use them in our future studies. By using a survey, we learned the popular and most successful ways to study. Also, through this project we discovered successful learning methods that we can incorporate into our own study habits.

Our learning strategy is not necessarily the best strategy for everyone as individuals because everyone learns differently. Although, we believe our groups learning strategies are the best as a whole because they include many different styles of learning. As previously stated, we researched all different types of learning strategies in order to find the most popular and successful methods for students. We created a survey that included strategies that would fit all different types of learners and then we surveyed own classmates. Our classmates, being AP students, we are characterized as studious and conscientious about their grades. This means that the ways our classmates prefer to study are preferable study ethics. Then, we incorporated all of the useful and popular methods into our four class activities. In addition, our learning strategy is overall effective because we split up the chapter into sections. Instead of receiving all the information at one time, people can learn pieces at a time. This provides people with a simpler way understand Neuroscience to a greater extent. Overall, because we included numerous learning strategies into our four class activities they were extremely effective to AP Psychology students as a whole.

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